Figura professionale: Ingegnere avionico

Nome Cognome: S. C.Età: 40
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Ingegnere avionico


January 2011 – Today Occupation or position held Digital Map Avionic Engineer Main activities and responsibilities Managed the DMG (Digital Map Generator) project for AW101, AW149, AW189, AW169, AW189 SAR-H helicopter projects. These helicopters are provided with Digital Map Capabilities based on two independent Digital Map Generators (DMGs), one embedded in each AMMC. The DMG system provides the management of all standard map formats and incorporates enhanced terrain-referenced navigation capability in order to provide accurate position information. The main activities: – System Requirement Definition (IBM Doors 9.3). – SW Requirement Definition. – Model based SW architecture definition (Artisan 7.2.20). – SW Development (Ada95) according to DO178B standard. – Integration FULL SCALE RIG Test. – Flight Test Databases Creation (using the standard formats: Raster (CADRG,GEOTIFF,ASRP), Vector (VMAP, SHAPEFILE,DAFIF,DVOF) and Terrain(DTED)). – DMG Pilot’s manual.

May 2010 – December 2010 Occupation or position held Avionic SW Engineer Main activities and responsibilities Developed and Integrated AGUSTA AMMS (Aircraft Mission and Management System) Avionic Plants Software for MCSP, AW101, AW149, AW169, AW189 helicopter projects. Avionic System Code is written in ADA95. Designed AMMS Avionic requirements and supported the installation and test of AMMS on the real aircraft. IBM Doors 9.3 is used for requirement storage Managed the testing team and conducted system tests on the avionic RIG. Each project was designed by system Requirement Specification realizing the development of the avionic SW and managing the test of the system with the suppliers, in according to DO178B standard. Name and address of employer Leonardo Helicopter Spa for TXT e-solution Spa via G. Agusta 520, 21017 Cascina Costa di Samarate (Va) Italy Type of business or sector Aerospace and Defence Dept.

Dates February to June, 2009 Occupation or position held Trainee Main activities and responsibilities I made my thesis work on finite element analysis of the vibrations of waveguides and periodic structures. This method consists in using a wave basis to describe the vibrations of the structure instead of the tradional modal shapes. I developed a software to apply this method. I used commercial software, MSC Patran and MSC Nastran, Matlab to realize my work. Name and address of employer Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, University of Naples FEDERICO II (Italy) Type of business or sector Research and Development

Dates January to March, 2006 Occupation or position held Trainee Main activities and responsibilities I made my thesis work on multi-scale constitutive modelling of heterogeneous materials with a homogenization scheme. I developed a software to apply this method. I used commercial software, MSC Patran and MSC Nastran, Matlab to realize my work. Name and address of employer Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, University of Naples FEDERICO II (Italy) Type of business or sector Research and Development

Education and training Dates December to 4 February, 2010 Title of qualification awarded Professional Engineering License (Abilitazione alla professione di Ingegnere Industriale-Sezione A) Name and type of organisation providing education and training Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Napoli Dates 01/09/2006 – 22/09/2009 Title of qualification awarded Master Degree – Aerospace and Astronautic Engineering (110/110 with honours) Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Solid Knowledge on Aerospace structures, Fluid dynamic and Project of airplanes and satellites. Thesis Title: FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF THE VIBRATIONS OF WAVEGUIDES AND PERIODIC STRUCTURES. Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Naples FEDERICO II (Italy) Corso Umberto I, 40 Bis, 80138 Napoli (Italy) Dates 01/09/2003 – 19/03/2006 Title of qualification awarded Degree – Aerospace Engineering (106/110) Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Generic knowledge of Aerodynamic, Aerospace Structures, Space systems and Fluidodynamic. It got skilled on use of Commercial Sotware like, MSC Natran/Patran, Matlab, AutoCad, Fluent, MathCad Thesis Title: MULTI-SCALE MODELLING OF STRUCTURAL AERONAUTIC ELEMENTS. Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Naples FEDERICO II (Italy) Corso Umberto I, 40 Bis, 80138 Napoli (Italy) Dates 01/09/1998 – 1/07/2003 Title of qualification awarded Maturità scientifica (92/100) Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates 01/09/1998 – 1/07/2003 Title of qualification awarded Maturità scientifica (92/100) Name and type of organisation providing education and training Liceo Scientifico "CARLO MIRANDA" (High School) Via Don Minzoni, 74, 80027 Frattamaggiore, Naples (Italy) Liceo Scientifico "CARLO MIRANDA" (High School) Via Don Minzoni, 74, 80027 Frattamaggiore, Naples (Italy)

Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) English B1  French A1

Social and Organisational skills and competences Dates 2000 – today Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Best ability in communication and public relations. These abilities were been gained in academy interactions and in Evangelical Christian communities, being in touch with children and guys. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica delle Assemblee di Dio in Italia, 1)Francesco d’Assisi 19, 80027, Frattamaggiore,Naples (Italy) 2)via Boiardo 10, 20129, Milan (Italy) Dates November 2009 Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered I spent a month in an English school in Brighton. I have good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through this and other experiences abroad. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Olivet English language school Brighton 52 Norfolk Square Brighton and Hove, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 2PA, (UK) Dates 2007 Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Good oratory, good leading ability, perseverance in the progress of the work. I had experiences in writing laboratory; I was chief editor of a magazine of my church. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica delle Assemblee di Dio in Italia, Francesco d’Assisi 19, 80027, Frattamaggiore,Naples (Italy) Dates 2007 Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Good oratory, good leading ability, perseverance in the progress of the work. I had experiences in writing laboratory; I was chief editor of a magazine of my church. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica delle Assemblee di Dio in Italia, Francesco d’Assisi 19, 80027, Frattamaggiore,Naples (Italy) 

Technical skills and competences Solid knowledge on Avionic Planning, Aerospace structures, Fluid dynamic and Project of airplanes and satellites. – Good knowledge of MSC Patran/Nastran; – Good knowledge of Matlab; – Good knowledge of Mathcad; – Basic knowledge of Fluent; – Basic knowledge of C++; – Good knowledge of AutoCAD. – Good knowledge of ADA95, ADAMULTI compiler; – Good knowledge of IBM DOORS 9.3 – Good knowledge of Serena Dimensions 2009 R2 – Arinc 429 technology – AFDX Ethernet network – DO178B standard Computer skills and competences – Good knowledge of Windows OS; – Good knowledge of MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); – Good knowledge of Mac Os. Other skills and competences I love travelling and experience with different cultures! I think that travelling open our minds and make us better. Taste typical food of a country is a “good” method to start to understand a people culture and so I am very interested in it. I really like reading and my favourite novel is “Sophia’s world”, written by Jostein Gaarder. Other interests are theology, cooking, hi-tech, personal computer & internet.

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