Figura professionale: Marketing Assistant

Nome Cognome: J. M.Età: 42
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Web Designer/Social/Marketing
Sede preferita: Roma

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Marketing Assistant


Professional History

    • World Citizen in February 2018 until June 2019 
    • Education OGN
    • Volunteacher 
Working as a Volunteacher having as main activities:
    • Teach English as a Second Language;
    • Mentoring my Students;
    • Have Classes Twice a Month;

IBM in December 2012 until December 2014
    • (Large company segment in Informatics) 
    • Support Software in the Americas 

Working in Support of Software Americas / Europe and Africa / Asia and pacific IBM / Hortolandia – SP, having as main activities: 
– Creation of Websites and IBM Customer Number; 
– Creation of Contracts and Customer List; 
– Creation of Website Reseller; 
– Support Modifications Sites and IBM Customer Number; 
– Creation of quotation; 
– Support Modifications in Contract and quotation;
– Remote working from home.

• Station C Comunicacao & Marketing – from November/2009 to April/2010
(Medium business segment in advertising)
Trainee Marketing and Advertising
Internship in marketing the company ASGA SA / SP – Paulinia, having as main activities:
– Control the stock of marketing;
– Transpose site content to Word document;
– Maintenance Site of AsGa;
– Answered all emails sent to the site in November and sent air their guardians;
– Update 17 Datasheets and Manuals 27 respectively in the Commercial / Datasheets folder and website of AsGa;
– Create the Banner of Unimed Campinas in this party of AsGa;
– Made all Reviews Training done in the month of November/2009;
– Scan to Folder “Clipping AsGa.”
– Performed creating 3 pages on the site relating to the Manuals of WDM product line: CMTR03, CMTR10, Mux_Demux.
– Carried creation of product line in the database of the site for the product: AsGa EMS;
Marcelo Senise Architect – from January 2004 to January/2007
(Small business segment in construction)
Administrative assistant
Quote, analysis and purchase of building materials via telephone;
Making documents and spreadsheets;
Organization of architectural design files, as well as documents relating to the processes of approval with the Public Bodies;
Making various payments in banks;
Telephone service in general.
Final salary
USD 650.00 in December 2014.
Other goals
• Salary Pretension: USD 2.000 range.

• Education
Advertising, Metrocamp (December 2010) – completed.
Journalism, Facamp – interrupted.
Quality Assurance and Software Tests Course on CI & T (June – July 2018).

Spanish: fluent reading, fluent writing, advanced conversation.
English: fluent reading, advanced writing, fluent conversation.
Portuguese: Native Speaker, fluent reading, fluent writing.
French: intermediate reading, writing intermediate, basic conversation.
Italian: intermediate reading, writing intermediate, intermediate conversation.

• Region of work
Accepts consider proposals from other regions.
Accepted by the travel company.
Accepted to live abroad for the company.
Additional information
I lived in Canada for 6 months this year of 2012 performing an Interexchange / Professional in the cities of Vancouver and Toronto.
I Translate Texts, PowerPoint Slides and Subtitles for some Companies until today.
I know Python, R, Node, SQL, MongoDB, Java and HTML5, CSS, JIRA, MySQL.
I Own a Pop culture website Transubstanciar that have news about Games, Cinema and Comic Books and movie reviews on the air since March 14 of 2015, (
I have two citizenships: Italian and Brazilian.

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