Figura professionale: PM

Nome Cognome: M. F.Età: 62
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Lazio: Roma

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  • Windows, linuxlinux, unix, network, storage


Giugno 1993_Dr inf tecnMaggio 1993_Dr inf tecn


From May 2017 to now, Advisory Technical Solutions Manager for IBM. From Jul 2016 to Dec 2016 , enterprise architect and system manager for Ericsson. My work was the design of the disaster recovery for Regione Lombardia and optimize the automated procedure of system management.

From Sep 2014 to may 2016, country manager for M2 Sys Engineering Ltd. I had the responsability for the market in Portugal, Spain;Italy and Poland.

From May 2014 at Sep 2014, project manager for Finmeccanica at Ministero della Giustizia to implements the site disaster recovery from Rome to Naples. In this implementation i have been wrote the guide's lines for data replication and implementation of the disaster recovery site.

From Aug 2012 at May 2014, network security and virtalization architect for EFSA (European food safety authority), my job was to develop and implemented projects on virtualized data centers and geographical clouds Federated between them. Also i had wrote and implemented the rules for physical and network security. I'm also managed the technical documentation and coordinated a team of people dedicated to the management of data centers.

From February 2011 to May 2012, project manager , for Finmeccanica company, in Wind Telecomunicazioni, italian carrier for land line and mobile phones, for design and implement the cluster for customer care and software development, with Accenture, to upgrade the 155 platform and rewrite rules for network security.

From May 2010 project manager in Ministry of justice for Finmeccanica company for implements a vmware farm of 256 virtual machines. This farm is used to automate some procedures for civil proceedings to the telematics court.

From January 2009 i'm freelancer , I had participated as a consultant for the design the new encryption system for the italian Foreign Ministry with IBM and HP.

From April 2009 to October 31, 2009 responsable for Physical to Virtual migration in Bank of Marche, in collaboration with IBM, on VMWare ESX platform. I also prepared the plan for disaster recovery and site migration from Macerata to Milan .

From February 2001 to 31 December 2008 Ceo at MFH Multi Features Host S.r.l. , A company specialized in systems engineering, software development and network security. . In MFH I also followed the design and development of solutions for large customers. I have been following projects with big customers for virtualization and disaster recovery with amounts greater than 10ml of Euros. My customers were National institute of geophisic and vulcanology (I have designed the Heartquake net monitoring and datacenter virtualizazion). Bank of Italy (I have designed the Disaster recovery infrastructure and network security rules). Fiat (Datacenter Virtualization). Rome University (I have wrote the rules for the network security). European space agency (i have designed the Datacenter Virtualization, and routines used for satelites monitoring) and more.

From June 1995 to December 2000 i was company responsible for technical assistance in Graphosys Spa a big company on Italy specilized on data storage and high graphics modelling.

From May 1986 to June 1995 employed at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) with the following positions: Field service Specialist in VMS and Ultrix operating systems. Software environment specialist for OpenVMS and DEC OSF. Specialist in network data transmission. National support for operating systems and networks. Customer responsable for Alitalia, BNL, Bank of Italy, Alenia Spazio.

Education 1988 Degree in physics at Rome University 1989 Master at Boston new frontiers of data comunications Certifications LPI Linux Cisco CCNA Cert Advisor VMWare developers Operating Systems VMS, Ultrix, OSF (Digital Unix) Networks decnet phase 4, DECnet, OSI, TCP / IP Security intranets and the Internet. Hacking Countermeasures TOGAF PMP (Project Management Professional) In progress CISP Agile IBM Design Thinking Additional informations

Languages Level English Fluent written and spoken Italian Mother tongue Spanish Basic

Professional knowledge Network technology Assessment Experience Last use NFS (Network File System) Expert Over 15 years Currently SAN (Storage Area Network NettApp, HP, MC2, Hitachi) High Over 15 years Currently WAN (Wide Area Network) High Over 15 years Currently LDAP High Over 15 years Currently Active directory High Over 5 years Currently Unix mail system (smtp,imap,pop) Expert Over 15 years Currently Exchange server High Over 5 years Currently VOIP (Voice over IP) High Over 5 years Currently OS Assessment Experience Last use Linux Expert Over 15 years Currently Unix Expert Over 15 years Currently Unix (HP-UX) Expert Over 15 years Currently Unix (Sun Solaris) Expert Over 15 years Currently VMS High Over 15 years Currently Windows (ALL) High Over 15 years Currently System administration Assessment Experience Last use Administering users and security Expert Over 15 years Currently Managing safety risks High Over 15 years Currently Firewall installation and administration Expert Over 15 years Currently Network management Assessment Experience Last use Network administration High Over 15 years Currently Design architecture of networks High Over 15 years Currently Security Expert Over 15 years Currently Network analysis High Over 15 years Currently Firewall configuration and support Expert Over 15 years Currently Network implementation and configuration High Over 15 years Currently Network monitoring and diagnostic High Over 15 years Currently Network Protocols High Over 15 years Currently CLOUD Assessment Experience Last use OpenStack Expert Over 5 years Currently Lustre File system Expert Over 2 years Currently Disaster recovery Expert Over 15 years Currently Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Expert Over 2 years Currently Software-defined networking (SDN) Expert Over 2 years Currently VMWare Expert Over 5 Years Currently AWS Expert Over 4 years Currently Puppet Expert Over 4 years Currently BACKUP Assessment Experience Last use Bacula Expert Over 5 years Currently NetBackup High Over 3 years Jun 2014

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