Figura professionale: System Engineer

Nome Cognome: C. M.Età: 44
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Sede preferita: Roma

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System Engineer


01/2017 – Today Software Engineer Software Development of tool web based globe and map for visualizing and management dynamic data. Technologies used: AngularJS , JavaScript , CSS, Bootstrap, JHipster, Bower, Gulp. T.R.S S.p.A Via della Bufalotta 378 Roma

03/2016 – Today System Engineer Consultant as System Engineer at Leonardo S.p.A. (Finmeccanica Group) Software Development Plan & Orders and SIACCON ADV, Integration of command and control system under NATO policy on virtual VMware ESX, Validation Test and system engineer on SIACCON ADV project and MIP project for C2IS (Command & Control Information System). T.R.S S.p.A Via della Bufalotta 378 Roma SIACCON ADV (SIstema Automatizzato di Comando e CONtrollo ADVanced) MIP ( Multilateral Interoperability Programmer) CWIX 2015 – Joint Forces Training Centre (JFTC) in Bydgoszcz, Poland Summer Tempest 2016 – Italy SIO 2016 – Italy

1/2014 – 02/2016 System Engineer Consultant as Software Engineer at SELEX – ES (Finmeccanica Group) Verification and validation system. Analysis requirementes and development software of automated test for verification/validation test for Air Traffic Control System. Using Python 2.7.6. T.R.S S.p.A Via della Bufalotta 378 Roma

02/2011 – 11/2014 Air Traffic Control System Integrator Engineer Consultant as System Integrator at SELEX-ES (Finmeccanica Group) Configuration, integration and validation Air Traffic Control System (ATC System) Main activity:  Configuration and Integration of ATC System based on Red Hat Linux or Unix  Operational Transition ATC System  Revision control software (CVS e SVN)  Production of manuals and test procedures  Administering Linux RedHat  Validation and Verification Test  Execution of ATPs (Acceptance Test Procedures) with customer  Training for tecnica staff of ATC System  Maintenance of ATC System  Technical Documentation  Customer support  Product development management Company Name T.R.S S.p.A Via della Bufalotta 378 Roma Projects 01/09/2014 – 01/10/2014 System ATC Bulgaria at Bulatsa Bulgaria – Consultant as System Integrator at Selex-ES 01/02/2012 – 31/07/2014 System ATC SMART at DHMI Turchia – Consultant as System Integrator at Selex-ES 01/02/2011 – 01/02/2012 System ATC LEFCO at Cyta Cyprus – Consultant as System Integrator at Selex-ES

09/2009 – 05/2010 Role Teacher Description Expert Teacher on installation and maintenance of domotic system Company Name I.R.F.A.P. – Istituto regionale per la formazione e l’addestramento professionale

08/2008 – 10/2008 Role Trainee Description Software development of administrator tool in order to parse xml document and creation of XHTML report Company Name ASKinformatica

02/2008 – 10/2008 Description Company Name Design and implementation of duplication facial feature system using Radial Basis Function algorithm and creation 3D model with X3D, Matlab environment. UNIPA – Palermo University

Education and training Date 01/09/2010 – 31/01/2012 Title System Integrator Engineer Description Stage – Installation, configuration and integration of ATC System (Air Traffic Control) Institute START S.p.A, Via della Bufalotta 378 Roma Date 21/10/2012 Title Engineer Description Engineering Qualifying Examination Institute University of Palermo Date 20/11/2008 Title Master degree in Computer Engineering on Intelligent System Institute University of Palermo Tesi sperimentale Facial Feature Detection in real-time application Grade 100/110 Date 18/11/2005 Title Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering Institute University of Palermo Tesi sperimentale Computer Vision System for recognition and 3D design of trees and plants Grade 100/110 Date 25/07/1998 Title High school graduation Institute Liceo scientifico statale G. B. Odierna of Palma di Montechiaro Grade 54/60

Language skills Mother Tongue Italiano Other Languages Inglese

Technical skills and competences  Air Traffic Control, Airspace Management, Radar, Command and Control  Red Hat Linux, UNIX, Windows Server, UNIX Shell Scripting, , Linux Networking  Integration Software, Test, Validation & Verification, Software Documentation, VMware, Domain Controller, Product development management  System Architecture, Computer Vision, Digital Image Processing, , Architetture Client/Server  AngularJs , JavaScript , JHipster, NodeJS, Bower, Gulp, Java, MATLAB, NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJIDEA, SVN, GIT  Good comunication skills, Problem Solving, Good teamwork skills, Ability work to achieve targets, Demonstrated ability to work autonomously under constraints of rush production, Pro-active approach to problem identification and resolution, Ability to plan and report, Flexibility

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