Figura professionale: Ingegnere Informatico

Nome Cognome: A. C.Età: 33
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: Torino / Milano

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Ingegnere Informatico


EDUCATION:  Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering (28.6/30 – 110L/110), Politecnico di Milano, 2014-2016  Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering (24.76/30 – 96/110), Politecnico di Milano, 2011-2014 SKILLS:  C / C++  Java EE  ROS  MATLAB  MySQL  XML  UML  Unix / Linux  Windows  Virtual machines  Eclipse / Netbeans  Putty  National Instruments LabVIEW  Gazebo PROJECTS:  Master’s thesis: A MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL ARCHITECTURE FOR AN UNMANNED ELECTRIC VEHICLE The aim of the project was to design and develop a Model Predictive Control architecture for an autonomous electric vehicle together with the dynamic simulation used for its validation. Technologies: C++, ROS, MATLAB, Gazebo. References: Professor Matteo Matteucci, Professor Luca Bascetta,  Cognitive Robotics course project: the scope of the project was to develop a localization module for an existing robot in order to implement the ROS “move_base” package. Technologies: C++, ROS  Dependable System course project: the aim of the project was to develop a graphical interface for a simulator developed by Politecnico di Milano. The program allows to create an architecture of a computer and to specify different scheduling procedures to follow when simulating the execution of several tasks in order to handle components’ failure. Technologies: Java, Java FX, XML  Software Engineering 2 course project: the aim of the project was to design and develop a weather based online calendar to handle events. Technologies: Java, HTML, XML, MySQL, GlassFish, Primefaces

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