Figura professionale: Senior Data Architect

Nome Cognome: P. A.Età: 55
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Milano

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Senior Data Architect


Career Summary & Goals: 
    1. Assistant then Associate Professor since 2002. Seeking Full/Associate Professor Position in Computing, Management Information Systems, or Mathematics. 
    2. Conducting Research in Computational Intelligence & Cognitive Science since 1995 at Institute for Intelligent Systems at University of Memphis. Seeking Research Position in Computational Intelligence & Cognitive Science, Big Data, or Distributed/Parallel Computing. 
    3. Developing Software in various languages and platforms and infrastructures since 1986. Seeking Senior Architect/Developer Position in Computational Intelligence, and/or Distributed/Parallel Computing, and/or System Analysis & Design and Software Engineering. 
    4. Seeking Managerial, or Senior Consulting position in IT, Education, Strategy, or General.

Education & Certification & Training (ECT):
    • FRM (Financial Risk Management Certification); Pending, 2019. 
    • CCP Data Engineer (DE575); Pending, 2019. 
    • CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer Certification (CCA175); Pending, 2019. 
    • SCRUM Master Accredited Certification, 2019.

    • Teaching & Learning Management Workshop @ University of Nizwa, Oman, 2012.

    • ACM Programming Contest @ GUST, Kuwait, 2005.
    • PhD Computer Science and Mathematics (Dissertation on Distributed Memory for Software Agents). Key Areas: AI, Software Agents, Knowledge Representation, Memory, SDM, SDMSCue, Cognition, Consciousness, Evolutionary Computation, Genetic Algorithms, Software Engineering, Java, C++. University of Memphis, TN, USA, August 2002. 
GPA: 4.00. 
    • MSc Computer Science and Mathematics (Thesis on Traffic Light Control Agent). 
Key Areas: AI, Software Agents, Knowledge Representation, Memory, SDM, Perception, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Scene Analysis, Expert Systems, C, C++. University of Memphis, TN, USA, December 1997. 
GPA: 4.00. 
    • GRE in Computer Science (ETS Services, NJ, USA). 1995.
    • GRE General Exam (ETS Services, NJ, USA). 1995.
Quantitative 790, Analytical 720, Verbal 520.

    • TOEFL (ETS Services, NJ, USA). 1994.
    • BSc Computer Science and Engineering (Thesis on Student Registration System). 
Key Areas: Database, Relational Database, Data Modeling, Software Engineering, Data Structures, File Processing, DBASE IV, C. 
University of Alexandria, Faculty of Engineering, EG, May 1991. 
GPA: 3.82. 

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