Figura professionale: SW TEST ENGINEER

Nome Cognome: V. D.Età: 41
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CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: Milano

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6 SW Test Engineer Concept Reply, Torino (Italy) Testing activities: test case development, test list update, test execution, bug description, test report, collaboration with the analysis and development team. 05/2016–Present IT Consultant Aesys, Pescara (Italy) Consultant at client companies. 12/2015–04/2016 Technical Assistant Fastcon, Gropello Cairoli (Italy) Technical assistance: customer interface, technical support, failures planning and organization, technicians coordination and management (ISPadmin). Testing activities: wireless devices testing (MikroTik RouterOS and Ubiquiti airOS). Warehouse management: suppliers interface, provisioning (Microsoft Excel). 03/2013–09/2013 Research and SW Development Engineer Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich (Switzerland) Research and software development (IDL) within the remote sensing: a study of the backscattering mechanisms contributing to the radar signatures of common Görmin agricultural crops. The analysis is based on the polarimetric properties of the crops derived from polarimetric L-band SAR data: the polarimetric properties of the crops have been compared with some existing backscattering models that make predictions about the magnitude and/or the phase of the co-polar coherence in order to detect if these models may explain the variations of the co-polar coherence (magnitude and phase) over crops growth stages. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 10/2008–10/2015 Master's degree in Telecommunications Engineering Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli (Italy) General: Telecommunications systems. Dissertation: Investigation of the Complex co-Polar Coherence over agricultural crops in SAR Polarimetry. Score: 110/110 cum laude. 1/10/16 © European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 1 / 2 Curriculum vitae Di Fiore Vincenzo 10/2004–10/2008 Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Engineering Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli (Italy) General: Computer Networks. Dissertation: Hardware construction and testing for experimental teaching on circuits. Score: 102/110.

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