Figura professionale: IOS Developer
Nome Cognome | : C. T. | Età | : 33 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev. |
Sede preferita | : Cosenza |
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Settembre 2016 – Dicembre 2016
Figura ricoperta IOS Developer
Datore di lavoro Università della Calabria
Luogo Cosenza
Principali attività e responsabilità
Title : Management system and movie tickets reservation developed with Swift and FirebasePlatform for iOS Devices.
This Project presents a system composed of two applications for iOS devices, dedicated to movie theatres. The first app, specifically developed for iPad, allows the administrator to easily manage a cinema, from the theatres' administration to the customer reservation management. The second app, developed for iPhone and dedicated to customers, allows them to view the programming offer, tickets reservations and more informations. The system is entirely developed with Swift 3.0, Objective-C and Google Maps API, in particular, using the new "Realtime Management Database Cloud technology" which allows to have an interaction between admin and clients in real time, without the need to constantly update the view.
Istruzione e Formazione
Dicembre 2016
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Laurea in Informatica
Istituto di istruzione o formazione Unversità della Calabria
Luogo Cosenza
Conoscenze linguistiche
Lingua Italiano
Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua
Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua
Lingua Inglese
Capacità di lettura/scrittura Ottimo
Capacità di espressione orale Ottimo
Note Ho vissuto per un tempo limitato in Irlanda
Conoscenze informatiche
Capacità e competenze informatiche
I'm Italian guy , Currently, I live in Cork (Ireland), I'm attending Cork English College to improve my English. I'm looking for a job in the Mobile industry,specifically iOS. I can quickly go back to Italy for work purposes.
I know different Programming Languages: Swift, Objective-C,Android, Java, C, C++, mySql,Html5, CSS, JSP, servlet, perl, python, DLV System for Artificial Intelligence, XML, javaScript, NoSql system, Vaadin, Php, and JQuery.
Used different development environments: Xcode, Android Studio, AppCode, Eclipse, VisualStudio, Netbeans and QT
Extensive hardware and software experience in networking and IT. Capable of analytical and problem solving.
Excellent knowledge of macOS 10.4 to 10.12, Linux and Windows.
I have a "referral" delivered at the University of Calabria on the iOS development skills, particularly as Swift. I will send it if it will be required
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