Figura professionale: TIBCO Developer(junior

Nome Cognome: M. K.Età: 35
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CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Italy

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Eletronics communication science and technology


17/12/2018–Present TIBCO BW &BPMN Developer EXTERENAL CONUSLUNT FOR UNICREDIT Analysis and development of orchestration services on new ESB Services for Unicredit Banca, based on TIBCO BW6 technology and TIBCO AMX-BPMN2. In particular, the activities were: Development of orchestration services and integration with TIBCO BW6 Development of BPMN with TIBCOBPM TEST support(Bulid , Deploy the application) Testing and validation the services in Tibco Workspace Create SOAP Services by using the JAVAMaven apache-CJX Products used: ▪ TIBCO BusinessWork 6.3.0 ▪ TIBCO BPMN2.0 ▪ TIBCO EMS 8.3.0 ▪ TIBCO tea 2.2.0 ▪ SOAPUI ▪ OpenRequestTickets(HP service Manager) 15/01/2018–30/11/2018 TIBCO Developer(junior) SyncLAB.Srl, Milan (Italy) Training internship in EAI oriented to provide the basis for development on the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6 platform. Arguments: Architectural introduction: domain / appspaces / appnodes Application structure and modules: application, module, shared module Types of processes: process service, subprocess service, subprocess direct Creation of xsd, wsdl and soap webservice Subprocess calls and services: binding reference, subprocess reference, subprocess direct Variables and properties: Process variable, process properties, module properties, application properties and profile application configuration Palette usage: write file, mapping, assign, log, reply, jdbc query and update, send and receive jms Xpath: overview functions available and their use Groups: iterate / repeat on error / critical / scope / transaction Error Handling: Catch exception & throw exception

Test in debug mode Configuration and build application Administration: TEA overview, creation of appspace, appnode, Deploy / undeploy application, start & stop, view log EMS: start & stop ems server, connectionfactory creation and queue During the project i focused on exhibiting the services necessary for managing employees was developed. Synchronous (webservice soap) and asynchronous (on JMS code) synchronization processes have been implemented with interfacing to Oracle DB. 07/12/2016–24/07/2017 Research and development department manager University Of Bologna, Bologna (Italy) The Objective of this research is we consider a video surveillance application, using a camera mounted on a drone flying over the area to be monitored and sending the video to a control center through multi-hops Protocols. Hybrid Wireless Mesh Routing Protocol (HWMP), appropriate for the scenario and based on IEEE 802.11s standard to evaluate and performances in terms of Packet Success Rate and Average Delay. 01/08/2012–31/05/2014 Asst. Technical Recruiter Tech Genius Inc, Hyderabad (India) Assisted resource manager and sourced consultants for all phasesrecruiting for various Clients. Co-ordinate the entire recruitment process right from sending the candidate's profile till his joining, preliminary screening of the candidate to evaluate various parameters like education, experience, technical skills, communication skills, salary, etc.

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 22/09/2014–25/07/2017 Masters in Electronics Communication Science and Technology EQF level 7 University Of Bologna, Bologna (India) 01/09/2008–20/05/2012 Bachelors in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Vijaywada (India)

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Telugu Foreign language(s)  English C1 Italian B1

ills Programming C Language. Java(Core java,J2EE, JMS,Servlets ,jsp). HTML,CSS,Javascript,XML. TIBCO Business Works 6, EMS,TEA. TIBCO AMX BPM 4 Web Service Description Language(WSDL). SOAP,REST Protocols MYSQL,ORACLEDB.

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