Figura professionale: WEB MARKETING

Nome Cognome: A. T.Età: 32
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Web Designer/Social/Marketing
Sede preferita: Roma

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ITALIAN and SPANISH: native languages
ENGLISH: fluency
Bachelor of Global Business Management (2:1 Upper second)
Universidad Europea of Valencia, Spain 2014 – 2017
Thesis’ Title: Raw Market – the Social Media Marketplace
Pace University, Lubin School of Business, New York, NY 2016
Elective studies: Challenges and Opportunities of South America)
The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK 2017
Marketing thesis: S.E.O. – market research and analysis of an organisation protecting the rights of the sugar producers around the world)


Promoter 01/2017 – now
3V Agency S.R.L. Milan (Italy)
– Promoting of New Media services specialised in Adwords, Facebook
Insights, Instagram and Youtube Advertising. It also develops and
optimises SEO and Google search engines.

Vopulus LTD London (United Kingdom) 06/2017 – 08/2017
Summer Internship as Operations/ Business development intern
 Created with the Business Model Canvas a photographic studio for
Vopulus LTD.
 Carried out interviews with key speakers, followed by a detailed report
concerning the perception of the brand and its strengths and

Fashion Wink S.R.L.S. Rome ( Italy) 10/2016 – 08/2017
Marketing, Investment, Sales and Business Development consultant
 Collaborated in this startup finding investors, customers and proposing ideas/solutions to the current situation.
 Proposed and developed a plan for vertical expansion of this Social
Media marketplace for the Fashion industry.

Aguaí Ingenio sucroalcoholero S.A. Santa Cruz de la S. (Bolivia)
Summer Internship as Strategic marketing/ communications
assistant 06/2016 – 08/2016
 Participated in all aspects of the launch of the Aguaí's Sugar Products into the market.
 Led the public tender in cooperation with the legal department allowing to win the position of the exclusive supplier of sugar the Bolivian Army: 27.449 tons of sugar sold.
 Spent a full week on the production site to understand the processes and the strategy of
the firm.

SITI B&T Group Castellon de la Plana (Spain)
Summer Internship in Sales and Customer Care 06/2015 – 08/2015
 Assisted and worked beside the departments of this company
(purchases, logistics, sales and stocking) to understand their functional
sales activities in the Spanish territory.

SITI B&T Group Formigine ( I Italy) 06/2014 – 08/2014
Summer Internship in accountancy
 Analysed Balance sheets of Profit and losses and financial statements analysis of
competitors with turn over up to 1,2 billion Euro and reporting to top the managers.
Communication with foreign branches of the Mother Company to achieve, process and
correct reporting account data.
Nuova Omec Formigine (Italy) 09/2013 – 10/2013
Lathe, machine and solder operator 07/2011 – 08/2011
 Worked in a Multicultural environment with co-workers from Africa and East Europe.
 Worked mainly at the lathe numeric controlled machine and on the assembly line.

Airdrome of Pavullo(Italy) 06/2011 – 07/2011
Airport assistant training
 Overviewed the working 3-4 people of my department to understand the set up of the
tasks between the different teams working in the airport S.A.R. (Search and Rescue) and
Fire Fighters.


07/2012 – 07/2014
– Took part in a non-profit sports organisation of 20 people who had managed through
social media and directly on the field, with other ten institutions collecting and allocating
necessary primary goods for refugees.

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