Figura professionale: PROJECT & PROCESS MANAGER

Nome Cognome: F. A.Età: 49
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: PIEMONTE

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• from 06.07.2015 currently PROJECT & PROCESS MANAGER with the tecnologies: ➢ plastic blow molding; ➢ plastic injection and joint molding ; ➢ metal molding; ➢ automatic assembly processes; ➢ purchase of components: • Company CORNAGLIA s.p.a. plastic division Villarbasse (To) • Type of business or sector automotive • Work position employee at 6° framework level • Technical skills and competences – Purchaser for plastic / rubber components for third parties; – Acquisitor for metal components for third parties: – Purchaser for standard components, ex. inserts, plastic granules, custom details; – Chamber of Commerce Visure; – Economic negotiations with suppliers; – Study of the project and sharing with the Cornaglia research center – Implementation of technical specifications, related to the processes to be industrialized; – Management of: blow molds, thermoplastic molds, assemblies, ultrasonic welding and IR vibration, hot blade welding, rotational welding; – Study of the lay-out and of the work area; – Advancement of activities between PM, management, customers, suppliers; – application of production concepts: LEAN-PRODUCTION, 5S and ONE -PIECE-FLOW; – start-up of assembly lines; – sharing of work cycles with manufacturing manager and quality manager, with related technical training; – Economic negotiations with suppliers and sharing with an office. shopping; – Evaluations for feasibility studies and customer estimates; – Management of customer changes, in all Cornaglia establishments; – Project management, up to complete customer approval; – "Binder" among the factory bodies: production, quality, logistics, maintenance, design inherent to the transversal management of projects; – Budget management, with an annual average per product type of 6,000,000 euros; – Regular management of 40 suppliers, with the related offices. technicians, ranging from: subcontractors, design offices, assembly equipment manufacturers, mold manufacturers: thermoplastics, rotational, blow molding, for sheet metal; – Estimate in the RFQ phase; – Study and definition with manufacturers of control gauges with the relative cubing, following the customer specifications; – Management of the product start-up department, with 5 employees; – Management of the plant saturations of the Cornaglia group

• from 19.02.2004 to 06.07.2015 Industrialist methodist and organization of production and study of estimates for customer offers • Company OLSA s.p.a. Torino • Type of business or sector automotive • Work position employee at 5° up level • Technical skills and competences – Implementation of processing cycles; production timing: on both manual and automatic assembly lines, using chronometric analysis and in UM MTM, both in the plastic molding department, using chronometric analysis and in MTM UAS, both in the metallization department, using chronometric analysis and in UM MTM ; – establishment lay-out, optimizing internal and external flows of workers, with the autocad system 2009; – sharing of work cycles with manufacturing manager and quality manager, with related machine training; – optimization and cost reduction on existing plants, assembly lines and plastic molding presses; – preparation of customer and supplier packaging cards (evaluating the costs and technical feasibility); – start-up of assembly lines; – industrialization of work after project phase with realization of assembly lines and tooling. Management with uff. purchases, production and suppliers; – approval of technical projects for plants; – design with autocad 2006 of production equipment; – implementation of technical specifications; – organization of finished and semi-finished product warehouses with study of on-board buffers; – evaluation and drafting of packaging cards for products delivered to the customer and semifinished products manufactured inside the factory, and with the contractors OLSA S.p.A .; – application of production concepts: LEAN-PRODUCTION, 5S and ONE -PIECE-FLOW; – evaluation of the loads with the NIOSH method; – evaluation of the carpal tunnel with the OCRA method. – Estimating costs and time of assembly lines, interfacing with office. commercial and office technical, – study during the preventive analysis of manual and automatic equipment to allow the correct assembly of the pieces and the achievement of the cycle time T.C.

• from 17.03.2003 to 18.02.2004 Manufacturing coordinator, logistics and acquirer • Company Impianti Genesis di Calamandrana (AT) • Type of business or sector Industrial automation company • Work position employee at 5° level • Technical skills and competences – organization of the production of automated lines; – acquisition of mechanical and commercial elements from suppliers; – management of changes to the mechanical parts used; – auxiliary warehouse management for components

• from 2001 to 17.03.2003 Industrialization • Company Denso Thermal Systems (ex Magneti Marelli) di Poirino (TO) • Type of business or sector automotive • Work position employee at 5° level • Technical skills and competences – industrialization of work after project phase with realization of assembly lines and tooling. Management with uff. Purchases, Production and Suppliers; – approval of technical projects for plants; – implementation of technical specifications; – lay-out; – audit at suppliers; – start-up of assembly lines at other user plants; – application of production concepts: LEAN-PRODUCTION, 5S and ONE -PIECE-FLOW

• from 1998 to 2001 Production technologist • Company MAC s.p.a. • Type of business or sector automotive • Work position employee at 4° level • Technical skills and competences – industrialization of manual and robotic equipment, from prototype phase to use in production; – optimization and reduction of costs on existing plants and processes; – assembly methodology; – management of welding parameters as setting and maintenance of assembly lines (balancespot welding, capacitive discharge welding, CO2 welding) with drawers: KGR, WELD 320-332, TECNA, ARO, SELCO, ESAB, FROLLI-SALD; – use of the AS / 400 computer system; SIGIP; – reading of the automotive and technical design; – application of internal procedures of the quality manual (VSQ 94 certification); – knowledge of the operation of PLCs and electric motors.

• from 1997 to 1998 Production leader • Company Webasto s.p.a. di Venaria (TO) • Type of business or sector automotive • Work position Worker • Technical skills and competences – management and organization of the first plant production line composed of fifteen people.

• froml 1997 Machine operator and quality control • Company MITOR di Torino • Type of business or sector turning machine • Work position – machine operator, turner, milling machine, wire harvester

• from 1997 to 1996 Military service nella Brigata Alpina Taurinense Primo Reggimento Artiglieria di Montagna 

• froml 1995 to 1996 Operaio • Company L.E.A.R. (TO) • Type of business or sector automotive • Work position Worker • Technical skills and competences – line testing, factory logistics organization

Education and training • 2004 Certificate qualifies for design with CAD systems 2004 and CATIA 5.9 achieved with a course of 350 hours at the Istituto Giancarlo Camerana in Turin • 1998 120 hours course on company quality I.S.O. 9000 at API • 1995 Higher technical high school diploma at the ITI International Institute • school Capotecnico industrial expert – specialization in metalworking industries • Vote 43/60

Mother tongue: Other language Self-assessment: Italian English: Understanding- Speaking- Writing- LEVEL B1 English language course at the BELS institute in Malta and The bridge institute Rivoli

Brand automotive managed: Computer skills and competences: FCA – CNH – VW – BMW – MINI – MERCEDES – RENAULT – JLR – FERRARI – LAMBORGHINI – NISSAN – AUDI – PORSCHE – CITROEN – Knowledge: PC, Windows 2016, Office pack, Internet Explorer, Autocad 2009, Project, Excel, Word, AS400, MAX, FILE MAKER, SAP, VISI.

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