Figura professionale: Optical Engineer
Nome Cognome | : A. C. | Età | : 36 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Engineering |
Sede preferita | : Milano |
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20/03/2017-to date Optical Engineer
Altran Italy at Leonardo Company in Campi Bisenzio (FI)
Consultant for Altran Company, working as an Optical Data Analyst at Leonardo Company, supporting
an European Space Agency (ESA) program mission. Main responsibilities include:
▪ optical data analysis, study of the photonic and optical system;
▪ “straylight” analysis: study of the unwanted light inside the instrument;
▪ numerical simulations using Matlab, providing report and documentation.
Business or sector Aerospace, Defence and Railway: Research and Development
16/07/2014-19/03/2017 Research Fellow-Research Theme: "Extreme Light Infrastructure: Development of
THz laser-based systems for high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy"
Cnr- Italian National Institute of Optics (INO) in Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
▪ Experimental development and design of optoelectronic modules, laser characterization;
▪ Frequency-down conversion of microwaves light, frequency-up conversion of visible/infrared light.
▪ Development of electronic phase lock setup: Frequency Generations; use of Amplifiers, Mixers,
Local Oscillators, RF-modules.
▪ Development of laser-based systems for high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy in the THz
radiation: use of LiNb03 crystals, Homodyne detection, Autocorrelator, LED characterization.
Business or sector Non-linear optics and precision spectroscopy
2014-08/03/2018 Doctorate Degree in International Doctorate in Atomic and Molecular Photonics
Thesis Title: “Quantum Cascade Laser and Frequency Comb Synthesizer for
Terahertz metrology”
European Laboratory for Non Linear Spectroscopy (LENS), Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
▪ Main expertises: optical cavities, Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL), frequency comb, non-linear
crystals, fiber lasers, frequency conversion from gigahertz to terahertz;
▪ Improvement of a metrological-grade system, based on a phase-locking of THz Quantum Cascade
Laser to a THz Frequency Comb Synthesizer;
▪ Characterization of two different kinds of novel Quantum Cascade Lasers: based on differencefrequency generation and a broadband multimode;
▪ Study and experimental realization of the first THz cavity resonator (coupling, feedback effect).
2011-28/04/2014 Master Degree in Physics and Astrophysics-Matter Physics
Thesis Title: “Towards Doppler-free QCL-based THz Spectroscopy”
University of Florence
▪ Development of THz sub-Doppler spectroscopy techniques. Two kinds of experiments have been
performed in my thesis:
saturation of a rotational molecular transition with a free-running QCL,
coupling of a free-running QCL to an optical cavity in view of cavity-enhanced absorption
▪ Test of a new generation THz-graphene FET detector.
15/01/2015-20/03/2017 Tutor for student and OpenLab Technician
University of Florence
▪ Tutor for Student for the courses of ‘’Physic I/II+laboratory” with support to lectures.
▪ Laboratories and simple experiments for pupils attending primary and secondary school.
2008-24/11/2011 Bachelor Degree in Physics
Thesis Title: Study of stability of optical passive resonator and
technological application
University of Bari
▪ Analysis of different resonator geometries and experimental characterization of a Fabry-Perot cavity.
Computer skills Excellent knowledge of:
• LaTeX;
• Matlab, Wolfram Mathematica;
• LabView,Origin;
• Zemax, ASAP.
Basic knowledge of:
• Linux, Catia, CAD;
• C++, Python
I decided to study Matter Physics for my passion for lasers, photonics and for all that concerns the light-matter interaction. Then, through the desire to apply my knowledge and to take part in a research project, I obtained my Ph.D. at the European Laboratory of the Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS).
I want to extend my knowledge, allowing me to increase my ability to learn new skills quickly. I like to discover new aspects of a phenomena, studying deeply the theory behind it leading to the full knowledge of the physics.
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