Figura professionale: Data protection officer e consulente privacy

Nome Cognome: C. B.Età: 34
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Business Intelligence / Data Scientist / DWH
Sede preferita: Roma

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Data protection officer e consulente privacy


Feb 2019 – ongoing Associate
Hogan Lovells, Rome (Italy)
â–ª Privacy and data protection consultancy;
â–ª Digital law research;
â–ª Digital projects development;
â–ª Pro-bono assistance;
â–ª Privacy and online abuses – training for professionals;
â–ª Minors of age's rights on the Internet – training for schools, children, parents and professionals.
Business or sector Technology, Media and Telecoms


June 2014 – Dec 2018 Board of Directors Member and Euro-project manager/Advocacy researcher
Istituto Italiano per la Privacy e la Valorizzazione dei Dati, Roma (Italy)
Main task:
– drafting of proposals (more than 10) and research for the European projects financed by the
European Commission program "Horizon2020" (e.g. "Privacy Flag", "ANITA", "IoT4EU")
â–ª Deliverables editing (ethics and privacy perspectives);
â–ª Work packages and tasks leading;
â–ª Participation to technical meetings and presentation of the work carried out by IIP;
â–ª Collaboration with European partners (weekly calls and regular e-mails);
â–ª Elaboration of reports and documents needed for the final audit.
Other tasks:
â–ª Editing of advocacy papers and articles (on pseudonymization, IoT and privacy, ePrivacy, age of
consent, right to portability, freedom of information, right to be forgotten, digital identity etc.);
â–ª Positioning studies with in-depth analysis of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
and legislation on ICT field in light of stakeholders perspectives;
â–ª Attendance and presentations during conferences/events/seminars related to privacy field with IIP
main sponsors (Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Poste Italiane, Sky etc).


Mar 2017–Dec 2018 Director
Centro Nazionale Anti-Cyberbullismo (CNAC)
Main tasks:
â–ª Activities design and coordination with CNAC's partners and sponsors (e.g. cyber coaching,
promoted by Microsoft, Facebook and the Ministry of Instruction (MIUR);
â–ª Participation to "Generazioni Connesse" (MIUR project co-financed by the European Commission)
as member of the Advisory Board;
â–ª Training in schools/NGO/ONLUS for students, teachers and parents or professionals that work with
minors of age (topics: internet safety and privacy, parental control, cyberbullying and online crimes
such as revenge porn, pedopornography, thinspiration etc.);
â–ª Main partner in training at Binario F, the first workspace for tech and digital skills development
promoted and owned by Facebook;
â–ª Advocacy and research for different stakeholders – positioning papers (e.g. Minors' age of consent)
and articles on digital parenting/minors's safety online;
â–ª Participation to TV/radio programs as minors expert (e.g. internet column for RID96.8FM,
Mediaset, Rai, TV2000);
â–ª Participation as speaker/panelist in conferences, institutional roundtables, seminars etc.


Nov 2015–Nov 2018 Of Counsel
ICT Legal Consulting, Rome (Italy)
Specialized in privacy and data protection law.
Expert on GDPR, IoT, Big Data, cyberbullying, social networks, internet and minors of age.


Dec 2014–Jun 2015 Intern
Italian Data Protection Authority – Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, Rome (Italy)
– draft of administrative acts (notification of administrative violations, dismissal of charges, request of
elements or information, memos etc.);
– meetings and relations with the Italian finance police (Nucleo Privacy and Nucleo Valutario) in order
to present the activity reports of the Department;
– hearings.
(Certificate of merit for ability in administrative activities attached to the CV)
Business or sector Sanctions and inspections department (Dais)

May 2014–Mar 2015 Assistant c/o LUISS Guido Carli – Monitoring observatory on online discrimination Monitoring observatory on online discrimination – Osservatorio per il monitoraggio delle discriminazioni online c/o Centro di ricerca sulle amministrazioni pubbliche “Vittorio Bachelet", Roma (Italy) – Monitoring of European norms in the field of online discrimination (e.g. hate speech, cyberbullying, racism etc.); analysis of the relevant social networks policies; – drafting and presentations of activity reports during conferences/seminars; – analysis of practical cases submitted to the UNAR (National office for racial discrimination – Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazione Razziale).

EDUCATION AND TRAINING Sep 2012–Jul 2014 Master's Degree in Governmental Science and Public Communication MAGNA CUM LAUDE and with a special mention for the prosecution of studies LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (Italy) Field: Political and Institutional communication Final essay in Information and communication Law: "Means of protection against cyberbullying in contemporary judicial systems and social networks policies" Scholarship: LAZIODISU – academic year 2013\2014 Achieved knowledge: – Internet governance; – Data protection and privacy; – ICT governance; – Intellectual property; – Social media; – Semiotics; – Communication and public relations. Sep 2009–Oct 2012 Bachelor degree in Political Science and Communication – MAGNA CUM LAUDE LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (Italy) Field: Public communication science. Final essay in Sociology and communication: "The women's representation in the Italian television from 1954 until today". Scholarship: LAZIODISU – academic year 2011\2012. Achieved knowledge: – Information and communication law; – New Media studies; – Political communication; – Marketing; – Political science; – Media and journalism. High school diploma Liceo Tito Lucrezio Caro, Roma (Italy) Field: Linguistic Learned languages: – English – French – Spanish

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Foreign language(s) English C1 Spanish  C1 French B2

Organisational / managerial skills – National and international projects management; – Strong team spirit and sense of belonging; – Capability to work in international and multicultural team; – Determination and reliability; – Coordination and development of training projects; – Team-leading skills; – Inclination to maintain harmony among the team members (e.g. conflict resolution); – Critical thinking and sense-making; – Problem solving, mindfulness and resilience. Job-related skills – Capability to gather, classify and organise the information needed so as to to make a decision or highlight critical factors; – Prioritize tasks and identify the steps needed to achieve objectives or meet deadlines; – Adataptability and flexiblity; – Creativity; – Negotiation skills 

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