Figura professionale: Software design & development

Nome Cognome: P. F.Età: 54
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Roma

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Software design & development


03/11/2003–Present Public Officer ENAC – Italian Agency for Civil Aviation viale del Castro Pretorio 118, 00185 Rome (Italy) ICT Department; Management of tenders for contract concerning Agency's software needs. Software design & development (usually J2EE, Oracle db, web-based, but not only). Business or sector Government Agency – Aviation

2005–Present Contractor Teacher Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Faculty of Engineering viale Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine (BG) Italy (Italy) ▪ Teacher of the subject "Linguaggi e compilatori" ("Languages and compilers") from 2004-2005 academic year til now. ▪ Teacher of the subject "Database" during the 2012-2013 academic year. Business or sector University – Teaching

01/11/2007–31/01/2008 ICT Consultant I & T Servizi Via Durando 38, Milano (Italy) Functional Analyst on software services related to the Sanitary Card of the Lombardia Region Health System Business or sector ICT – Consulting

01/11/2002–30/01/2003 ICT Consultant Gruppo Synergia Via Caldera, 21, 20153 Milan (Italy) Consultant at the Scheduling Office in CartaSI (Bank ing – Corso Sempione, 55 – 20145 Milano- Italy) Business or sector ICT – Banking

2001–2002 Software development and IT consulting Corsi sas, Canepina (VT) (Italy) Development of palmar applications to optimize tracks Business or sector Energy


01/01/2011–21/04/2015 Phd in Mechatronics PhD Università di Bergamo viale Marconi 5, Dalmine (Italy) ▪ Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Search Engines, Social Network Analysis. ▪ Development of a product search engine according to a natural language user request based on other users comments as final project. ▪ List of scientific articles and thesis:

01/06/2008–28/01/2010 eMec – Post Degree Master Third cycle – Postgraduate studies Mip – Politecnico di Milano (Italy) Via Lambruschini 4C, 20156 Milan (Italy) Project Management, Risk Management, Knowledge Management, Project Financing, Human Resources, Marketing, Feasibility Study, Organization, Contracting, etc

28/10/2009 Project Manager – IPMA-D IPMA Certification as Project Manager IPMA Level D

01/01/2005 Member of the Roll of Engineers of Milan Professional Roll Ordine degli Ingegneri di Milano, Milan (Italy) Engineering

06/2002 Master Degree in Computer/Software Engineering 87/100 Politecnico di Milano piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan (Italy) Final Project: "PoliXp: Java realization of a Validating XML-Compiler conforming to all W3C normative"

2003 Training courses supplied by ENAC ▪ ENGLISH: Shenker Method ▪ UML: supplied by Elea (Roma – 2004) ▪ Oracle JDeveloper: supplied by Oracle (2004) ▪ Oracle Portal: supplied by Oracle (2004) ▪ Linux/Unix Net/System Administration : supplied by Bytewise (Roma – 2005) ▪ VBA for Excel: supplied by Bytewise (Roma – 2006) ▪ Oracle DBA Administrator: supplied by Fata Informatica (Roma – 2006) ▪ Oracle DBA Recovery: supplied by Fata Informatica (Roma – 2006) ▪ Function Points Base: supplied by DPO (2006) ▪ Early & Quick Function Points: supplied by DPO (2006) ▪ SSO Manger (2010)etc

06/2003–07/2003 Stage as Trial Inspector ITI – Asserind – Marun Petrochemical Company (Iran), Cernobbio (Como) (Italy) Developing of a control system (in Italy) for a petrochemical plant located in Iran – I was the communication interface between the chief trial inspector and the Iranian technicians. In english

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) English C1; French A2; Russian A1

Digital competence ▪ Very good knowledge of the following programming languages: Java, C, SQL, Javascript, VisualBasic, VBA, Pascal, Scripting shell di Unix ▪ Good knowledge of the following programming languages: : C++, Lisp, Assembler, etc. ▪ Database: Oracle, Postgres, Informix, etc (Access, SQLServer …) ▪ Web-Applications & J2EE-platform: JSP, JavaScript, Css, Java Servelet, etc. ▪ Markup-languages and Web-languages : HTML, XML, SGML ▪ Developing suites: Oracle JDeveloper, Eclipse, Macromedia Dreamweaver, ANTLR, JFlex, JavaCC, etc. ▪ Description and specification languages: UML, Z, DFD, Petri Nets, etc. ▪ Operating systems: Windows, Unix, DOS, Linux, Epoc ▪ Office applications: Very good knowledge, especially for Excel


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