Figura professionale: Neolaureato
Nome Cognome | : M. S. | Età | : 37 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Engineering |
Sede preferita | : Roma ,italia |
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1. Space Engineering master's degree ,98/110, 2012-2017; Civil and industrial faculty of Engineering, university of Rome “La Sapienza”,PEGASUS network; FEM analysis, Space structures; Gas dynamics, hypersonic, Space propulsion; Automation and control; Flight mechanics and Space missions; Space and aeronautical materials and technologies; Master thesis title: “Studio della interazione tra la dinamica di assetto e il propellente liquido a bordo”; supervisor: Prof. Paolo Gasbarri; co-advisor: Prof. Luciano Iess. It’s a numerical work on the interaction between propellant sloshing dynamics and attitude control for the ESA spacecraft, JUICE, a large mission (class L2) in the frame of the ESA Cosmic Vision program, January 2017. “Preliminary design of a telecommunications spacecraft TDRS-J”, the final test of the Space Construction, course provided by Prof. Paolo Gaudenzi at university: FEM analysis using ADINA AUI8.8 code, July 2013.
2. Aerospace Engineering first level degree , 91/110, 2007-2012; Civil and industrial faculty of Engineering, university of Rome “La Sapienza”; Basic sciences: mathematics, physics, thermodynamics, chemistry; Science of Construction; Aerodynamics, aerospace propulsion; Bachelor thesis title: “Materiali e tecnologie per la produzione di generatori per macchine eoliche offshore”; supervisor: Prof. Claudio Scarponi. A research involving offshore wind turbines based on EWEA reports and recent patents, July 2012.
3. High school diploma specialising in scientific subjects ,97/100, 2002-2007; Scientific high school “G.Rummo”, Benevento;
1. Scholarship at the Laboratory of Physics of the Engineering faculty of “La Sapienza” university, at via Scarpa , 2013; Using of laboratory instruments and assistance for students and profs ;
2. Scholarship at the library of the Engineering faculty of “La Sapienza” university, at via Scarpa, 2010; Cataloging library books and distributing texts on request;
3. President of the polling station in the section III of Pietrelcina (BN) during a referendum, April 2016
COMPUTER SKILLS Advanced ECDL certification :WORD,EXCEL; Good internet surf skills, Familiarity with TI-89 Titanium, Texas instruments; Basic knowledge of the following codes: MATLAB & SIMULINK; ADINA AUI8.8: FEM analysis ; MSC ADAMS MULTYBODY ;
MOTHER TONGUE :italian; OTHER LANGUAGES English: average level comprehension/speaking/writing; French: basic level comprehension/speaking/writing;
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