Figura professionale: Art Director Junior

Nome Cognome: E. C.Età: 47
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Web Designer/Social/Marketing
Sede preferita: Rome

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Art Director Junior


 Date October 2003 – Present • Name and address of employer Axioma s.r.l., Rome (Italy) • Type of business or sector Publishing/Social media marketing • Main activities and responsibilities Creative Direction, organization and branding identity, ATL/BTL, styling campaign & Post editor for social media campain; styling for emergent about cooking and lifestyle magazines, mail chimp/mailup coordinator, logo designer, web designer, post production support. Clients current and former: Mondadori, Mondadori France, RCS, Endemol Italia Spa, Provincia di Roma, Arbre Magique, Mister Magic. • Occupation or position held Brand Designer

 Date March 2014 – Present • Name and address of employer Diamond and Bones, Rome (Italy) • Type of business or sector Brand Design, Streetwear brand • Main activities and responsibilities Brand design, creation of original design streetwear, packing creation, targeting of brand market, styling campaign & Post editor for social media campain, web designer. • Occupation or position held Creative Designer

Date April 1998 – September 2003 • Name and address of employer Artemisia S.p.a., Rome (Italy) • Type of business or sector Health Care • Main activities and responsibilities Logo designs, impagination, photo shopping, catalogues, packaging, structure and layout, post production support. } @ graphci web socialmedia comunication content/uploads/2015/08/portfolio_ECacalloro_2015.pdf PERSONAL SUMMARY Organisational skills and competence I am a strong organizer both when working solo as well as in a team. I define priorities so to match deadlines while keeping performing accordingly to the high standards requested when working with big names like Mondadori, Mondadori France, RCS, Endemol Italia Spa, Provincia di Roma, Arbre Magique, Mister Magic. Technical skills and competence This all comes along with the sound ability to recognise trends and apply this to the brandong of…. My innate curiosity as well as my willingness to try out new things make it possible for my creativity to be always in motion. I believe that all that surrounds me can be used as a source of inspiration and I use this insight in order to modify and ameliorate the product I am working on. One of my greatest archivements is to be art director of one the first italian magazine dedicated to gluten free lifestyle and cooking.

• Date April 2000
• Name and type of organisation
 providing education and training Europe Institute of Design, Rome (Italy)
• Principal subjects Web designer
• Title of qualification awarded     Certificate of Attendance ‘Visual and Web designer’
• Date Septemper 1990 – July 1995
• Name and type of organisation
 providing education and training         Technical Commercial Institute “Vilfredo Pareto” (A levels)
• Principal subjects Business Economics, Law, Economy, Language, History, Italian, French and English
• Title of qualification awarded     Certified Accountant
• Level of qualification awarded     Secondary Education Certificate
• Date July 1994
• Name and type of organisation
 providing education and training Saint George Institute, Cambridge (UK)
• Principal subjects English language conversation and writing skills
• Title of qualification awarded     Certificate of Attendance

• Mother Tongue Italian
• Other languages
• Technical skills Branding, creative direction, design process, strategic thinking, creative coaching, art direction,
graphic design, digital & web design, motion media design, localization, presentation
design, event design, event production.
• Software Excellent in Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, QuarkXpress, Facebook, Twitter, Drupal,
Wordpress, Istagram, Dreamweaver, Office, mail chimp/mailup.
• social skills and competence As Art Director. I have developed good interpersonal skills with my colleagues as well as
with the customers. I am capable to illustrate what motivates the choices behind my creations,
but I am also able to take on board different points of view and suggestions seeing
them not as criticism but as an occasion for improvement.
• Job related skills Aside from my paid jobs I have carried out graphic designing project for charities and
associations under the auspicies of the municipality of Rome

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