Figura professionale: Solution Architect & Project Leader

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Solution Architect & Project Leader


06/2015 – today
Indra Italia S.p.A & Ericsson IT Solutions & Services S.p.A.
Job Role: Solution Architect & Project Leader
Enel – E4E/GRID-GDS Project (Spain and Colombia). Design, implementation and
delivery of Grid Network Maintenance process support systems. The project, with a very large
scope, involves several teams and people in many countries (Italy, Spain, Colombia, Brazil,
Chile) cooperating with the aim of improving Enel core business OSS software & processes
and export them to Enel foreign subsidiaries. The project is implemented on AWS Cloud
Performed activities:
 Solution Architect: design and implementation of the Network Maintenance Core
Systems. Define activities effort and project timeline.
 Participate to customers meeting to understand the nature of their business, the
company core processes, work practices and scope definition. Translate user needs into
software solutions and presenting them to customer.
 Prepare documentation for progress reports to customer performed by the Program Manager.

06/2017 – 03/2018
Indra Italia S.p.A & Ericsson IT Solutions & Services S.p.A.
Job Role: Solution Architect
Enel – Digitaly Projects
Business Process Analysis to improve the efficiency of company core business processes: Grid
Operation, Grid Maintenance and Outage Management. The projects main scope is to study
the feasibility and to analyze the benefits of introducing innovative tools, such as Machine
Learning systems and IoT / Sensor networks, to improve grid predictive maintenance and
outage management.
Performed activities:
 Participate to meeting with customers to understand the needs and to identify the scope
of each innovative project.
 Support the customer to identify technological partners to realize the solutions.
 Design the Solution and deliver Functional and Low Level Design documents.

01/2016 – 12/2016 Ericsson IT Solutions & Services S.p.A.
Job Role: Project Leader
Ericsson Smart Grid Solution
“Ambient”: Ericsson Smart Grid Node for inter-networking and communication between
systems and devices in Smart Grid, Smart Metering and Smart Cities solutions, using 169Mhz
Radio System.
Performed activities:
 Team Leader. Design solution and coordinate implementation of the IoT platform. The
solution, programmed in Java, C language and Node Red, is highly configurable by
“Scenarios” and can operate with sensors using standard protocol such as z-wave and
mqtt, through AWS Iot Core Service and local mqtt broker.

01/2016 – 06/2016 Ericsson IT Solutions & Services S.p.A.
Job Role: Project Leader
Ericsson Smart Grid Solution
“Ambient”: Ericsson Smart Grid Node for inter-networking and communication between
systems and devices in Smart Grid, Smart Metering and Smart Cities solutions, using 169Mhz
Radio System. The Smart Grid Node “Ambient” is considered strategic for RMED Ericsson
Region in building an integrated offer for Smart Cities and IoT Solutions.
Performed activities:
 Participate at meeting with customers to identify the gaps of the node that must be
resolved to meet any local regulatory compliance.
 Define Hardwar
 Team Leader, responsible for the team committed to apply software implementation to
the smart node. Architecture: C language, Embedded Linux.
 Commit hardware modifications to the Ericsson Node Factory, located in Newton, MA.
 Discuss hardware modification to be applied to the radio module with the module
manufacturer (Panasonic Ltd). The Panasonic radio module needed to be modified to
receive two frequencies in order to communicate with different nodes hardware.

02/2013 – 12/2015
Ericsson IT S&S S.p.A. Job Role: Project Leader
Telecomitalia Fraud Management System, landline anti-fraud system, for contrast and
prevention to any kind of fraud against the telecommunication company.
Performed activities:
 Team leader of the development team (8 software engineers)
 Participate to customer meeting to understand the nature of the fraudulent actions and
how automatic systems and human analysis can prevent them.
 Participate to strategy definition when new kind of fraud are discovered so that new
prevention and contrast algorithms can be developed/coded inside the system.
 Define the project timeline
 Prepare documentation of the project status for internal meeting and reporting

01/2011 – 01/2013
Ericsson IT S&S S.p.A.
Job Role: Customer Project Manager
Telecomitalia IT “Program Management Office”. I have been employed as Project
Manager in the PMO of the IT Department of the landline and mobile company, having the
opportunity to work in a very cooperative team composed by five project managers.
Performed activities:
 Information gathering about projects progress
 High level project steering and governance
 Costs and revenues monitoring

01/2002 – 01/2011
Pride S.p.A Project Leader
Led software engineer teams in OSS Telco application development and maintenance,
establishing trusted relationship with customers and always encouraging my teams to adopt
elegance and simplicity in our solutions.

06/2000 – 10/2002
Pride S.p.A Analyst & Software Engineer
Participated to Requirements Gathering & Analysis of OSS/BSS systems in Telco companies,
working closely with customers. Worked as Software Engineer.

06/1998 – 06/2000
R.S. S.r.l.
Analyst & Software Engineer
Worked as Software Engineer in Analysis and Development of OSS systems in Telco
companies. Practiced all the main architectures, languages and tools of the period.

05/1997 – 06/1998
Res Informatica snc
Software Engineer
Worked as Software Engineer in Development of BSS software for a company of “Cassa
Depositi e Prestiti” group to support the process of granting loans to Italian companies
investing in foreign country activities.

09/1995 – 04/1997
Fugro Oceansismica
Geologist – Offshore Oil Exploration Geologist
Worked as geologist in off-shore analogue geophysical surveys using several technologies
(echo-sounders, side-scan sonars, sub-bottom profilers, surface and sub-tow boomers,
magnetometers). I have also participated in data processing and presentation of the survey
results including CAD as well as traditional contoured paper charts.

Education and Training
 Master’s Degree, Geology (March 1993, grade 105/110 – University of Rome “La
 Certification ITIL 2011 Foundation (Cert.# 03008026-01-H1LY)
 Integrated Project Execution, Monitoring, and Control (PMBoK methodology), Ericsson
 Strategy for Consulting and Systems Integration (TOGAF methodology), Ericsson S.p.A.
 Project Management (Ericsson CPM Cube – PMBoK methodology). Ericsson S.p.A.
 Project Management. Pride S.p.A. (F. Forte)
 “Customer Relationship”. Pride S.p.A. (F. Forte)
 “Team Management”. Pride S.p.A. (F. Forte)

Relationship & Organizational Skills
 I have mediation capability and attitude to problem solving and decision making, giving
me the proper abilities to take part to technical and managerial meetings, maintaining
objectivity and equilibrium in critical situations. I have earned these abilities performing,
since 2004, my job closely to customers.
 I can establish and maintain a trusted relationship with the customer as well as the
proper attention to gather add-on sales opportunity, comprehend customer business
strategies and requirements.
 I own the abilities to build and lead a team during all the phases of the application
development and maintenance process: from the startup phase, to the project plan
definition and subsequent product development and delivery. I have earned these
abilities assuming the role of Technical Project Leader in Pride S.p.A. in 2002.
 Starting from 2011, with the entry in Ericsson IT Solution & Services, I have begun to
perform my working activity following tools and methodologies conforming to the
PMBOK, TOGAF standards and more recently to the Agile methodology

Technical Skills
 Tools: Microsoft Project, Git source control system
 Programming Languages: C/C++, Java2EE, Java, C#, PHP, JMS / Glassfish
 Database Programming: Oracle PL/SQL, Microsoft T/SQL, Postgresql
 Operating Systems: Linux, bash/sh scripting
 Application Server: MS IIS, Apache, Tomcat, BEA WebLogic, GlassFish
 IoT Architecture: Mosquitto MQTT broker for IoT devices communication, Node-RED for
IoT devices, Amazon AWS IoT Core, z-wave protocol and java mqtt paho libraries
 Cloud Architecture: general knowledge of AWS Architecture and Services
 Embedded Devices programming: Raspberry, Arduino, ESP8266 (C/C++ and Java
Foreign Work Experiences
 Enel/Endesa – Barcelona, Spain. December 2015 – today. GDS/Grid Project.
 HanseNet GmbH – Hamburg, Germany. June/July 2005. TTM Project.
 Spectrum Technologies – Durham, North Carolina. June 2001. Proprietary CRM Solution.
 Fugro Survey (Middle East) Ltd. – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. July 1997. Offshore
Geophysical Survey for oil exploration companies.

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