Figura professionale: Machine Learning Engineer

Nome Cognome: L. L.Età: 35
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CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: Roma

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Machine Learning Engineer


1 Mar 2017–Present Machine Learning Engineer Innovation Engineering S.r.l., Rome (Italy) I'm working into Research and Development area with main focus to develop a document classifier with machine learning techniques, such as neural networks and clastering. The goal is insert the classifier in Wheesbee (, a scientific search engine

28 Nov 2016–28 Feb 2017 IT Security Consultant Reply S.p.a., Rome (Italy) Junior Security Consultant at "Telecom Italia Trust Technology". I worked with eIDAS legislation to issuing digital signatures conforming to the law.


13 Sep 2014–28 Oct 2016 Master Degree in Computer Science EQF level 7 Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano (Italy) Grade: 110/110 cum laude. In this studies, I deepened the main concepts about knowledge and data management, Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Web, Parallel and Concurrency programming, Distributed programming and Computer Security. Technical Skills: XPath, XQuery, XSLT, Xhtml, eXist, XML, Tidy, data scraping, Hadoop, Cuda, MPI, Parallel and Concurrent programming, Ray Tracing algorithm, Static analysis with Rats and FlowFinder, Matlab, SVM, Neural Network, Random Forest, Clustering, Sparql, RDF, OWL, Protegè, Jena, Fuseki, Natural Language Processing, Android, Python. Thesis work Title: Automatic keyword extraction and tagging of document with machine learning support. Goal: In this thesis work I studied and developed a machine learning architecture to tagg scientific documents and to add new keywords to them. Technical Skills: Clustering, SVM Classifier, Ontology, Jsoup, libsvm.

14 Sep 2009–26 Sep 2014 Bachelor Degree in Computer Science EQF level 6 Università degli studi di Salerno, Fisciano (Italy) In this studies, I learned the main programming language such as: C, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Matlab, JavaRMI and MySQL, Matlab, Multithreading. Thesis work Title: Parallel Adaptive Quadrature Algorithms and Implementation of the Monte Carlo Method on the GPU. Goal: In this thesis I studied Cuda programming language to develop in parallel environment and to evaluate multidimensional integrals with Monte Carlo method. This problem can be parallelized to obtain best computing results. First I studied CUDA, a Nvidia programming language to develop with Video Card. After that, I developed the Monte Carlo method and I compared it with same sequential version. Technical Skills: C++, Cuda, CuRand Library, Linux.

Sep 2004–Jul 2009 High school diploma: Computer expert EQF level 5 I.T.I.S. Ettore Majorana, Somma Vesuviana (Na) (Italy)

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) English B1

Some Personal Project Podobarometric image classifier (Computer vision). I trained an SVM classifier with different kernels for the analysis of foot pathologies by pre-processing podobarometric images. Flawfinder & Rats: Analysis and comparison (Secure Programming) This project analyzed the efficiency of the Rats and Flawfinder static analysis tools. In particular, using the Juliet Suit Test ,we studied the accuracy with which the two software returns: true positive, false positives and false negatives. CUDA – Ray Tracing Implemented, in the CUDA environment, Ray Tracing algorithm to generate a sphere-based scenario, with main focus for pixel shadow calculation. Free-Commerce Project that involves the use of data scraping techniques using the Tidy library for PHP, XPath, XQuery, and XSLT to scroll through XML pages, extract information, and to create a new e-commerce site

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