Figura professionale: Team Leader TELCO

Nome Cognome: D. R.Età: 52
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Roma

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Team Leader TELCO


September 2011 – Today

Company                                              Telecom Italia (TIM)

Position held                                        Responsible for Network Architecture and Planning

Place                                                    Rome from July 2014, Turin before

Responsible for the definition of medium-long term evolution strategies (5 years and beyond) and of short-medium term techno-economic planning (yearly budget and e 3-years investment plan) of access metro regional network, with ≈ 350M€ of total 3-years budget. Currently responsible of a team composed by 7 Senior Professional.

Network is mainly designed and deployed to provide high Quality of Service to TOP Clients (retail/wholesale) and to guarantee mobile service requirements in terms of latency and throughput

                Main Strategic cross-functional projects:

·         2017 – “GBE Services / Giganet” –  Definition of the best network structure to give L2 (GBE Services) / L1 (Giganet) connectivity to TOP Clients

·         2016 – “OPM bid” – Definition of scenarios and bid rules to renew the data IP metro regional equipment (economic value ≈ 150 M€)

·         2015 – “NGCN” – Definition of medium-long term evolution strategies for national backbone  and related 3-years investment plan

·         2012 – “Evolution” – Definition of medium-long term evolution strategies for access metro-regional networks and related 3-years investment plan

May 2011 – October 2011

Company                                              Telecom Italia Lab

Position held                                        Senior Professional “Mobile Network

Place                                                    Turin

Responsible for design and deployment of a gamification and reporting tool used during the LTE bid. The tool was used in real time during the bid to make detailed and executive reports for Telecom Italia TOP management and to suggest next steps to the managers in steering cabin.

January 2006 – April 2011

Company                                              Telecom Italia Lab

Position held                                        Senior Professional “Data Metro Regional Network

Place                                                    Turin

Dimensional Models for long-term strategic  architecture definition for fixed and mobile networks. A strong competence in network models for techno-economic planning achieved, Business Plans and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculation included.

January 2003 – December 2005

Company                                              Telecom Italia Lab

Position held                                        Task Leader in International Projects

Place                                                    Turin

Task Leader in international projects related to fixed access networks; the project requested travels in many European countries, with the cooperation of the biggest international companies and standardization committees

November 1998 – December 2004

Company                                              Telecom Italia Lab

Position held                                        Network Specialist and Industrial Accounting

Place                                                    Turin

Dimensioning and economic evaluation of voice, transmission (SDH/PDH) and data (ATM/IP) networks, for cost calculation according to FAC (fully allocation) and LRIC (incremental) methodologies in “Industrial Accounting” project.


August 2017

Certification                                          PMP (Project Management Professional) @ PMI (Project Management Institute)

  May 2011

Profession                                            Subscription to “Albo degli Ingegneri” (Turin)

January  2002

Title                                                       Master in Telecomunications (Polytechnic of Turin)

November 1991 – Aprile1997

Title                                                       Master degree in Ingegneria Elettronica

Insitute                                                  Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento S. Anna (Pisa)

Vote                                                      110/110 cum Laude


TELECOMMUNICATIONS               Access Networks FTTCab / FTTH, focused on broadband (xDSL) and ultra-broadband (NGAN) services

                                                               TOP Clients connectivity and services

                                                               Mobile networks (3G, 4G)

                                                               IP data networks

                                                               Transmission networks (SDH, WDM, PTN)

PLANNING TOOLS                           Business Plan elaboration / TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)  calculation

LANGUAGES                                      English (fluent)

SOFTWARE                                        Office professional (VbA programming included)

                                                               Project Management tools

SOFT SKILLS                                    Strong ability to simplify complex problems, maintaining the whole coherence

Strong ability to motivate collaborators with whole vision and constant attention to performance

                                                               C-Level presentation

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