Figura professionale: Programmatore

Nome Cognome: A. S.Età: 32
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Roma, Estero

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  • C, C++, Java, R, Python, SQL, Matlab, html, Scilab, Eiffel


July 2016 – Present Salesforce Developer, New Energy, Rome. I have been studying CRM and in particular the Salesforce platform, Apex, HTML and SQL. Detailed Achievements: { Learned to use the platform and the various programming languages required { Worked in a team in order to develope some small projects

October 2015– June 2016 Intern Quantitative Analyst, Ladbrokes, Rome. I have been assignes a self-driven project on the analysis and segmentation of customers based on their betting habits. This would allow the company to improve their profits by the use of tailored offers for every category of customers. Detailed achievements: { Learned how to use Statistical software { Worked in a small team { Got a more analytic perspective for this kind of problems

2014–2016 Universitary Coworker, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome. I had to work in the university covering many different roles. Detailed achievements: { Teaching assistant for graduate courses. I made some small lessons and helped the students with exercises. This allowed me to improve the way I explain things and also how I relate with other people. { Improved my organisational skills by working with Administrative Staff. { Took care of the University’s website as far as time tables, exams and lists of teachers are concerned


2014–2016 Master’s Degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, 110/110 cum laude. Exams: { Measure Theory (30/30 cum laude), Probability with measure (29/30), Numerical methods to calculate eigenvalues (30/30), Sobolev spaces (28/30), Matlab and Scilab (30/30), Introduction to functional analysis (30/30), Algebraic Combinatorics (29/30), Machine Learning (30/30), Design of Interactive Systems (30/30), Network Analysis (30/30 cum laude), Numerical methods for computer graphics in Java (30/30 cum laude), Operators Algebras (30/30 cum laude) Master Thesis Title Polynomials with Only Real Zeros Supervisors Professor Francesco Brenti Description In this thesis I investigate classic and recent theory on Polynomials with only real zeros giving a particular attention to its application to Algebraic Combinatorics and in particular to Coxeter groups.

2011–2014 Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, 103/110. Specialized in Numerical Analysis Bachelor Thesis Title An algorithm to calculate Bernoulli’s Numbers Supervisors Professor Carmine Di Fiore Description This thesis explored an algorithm able to calculate the first n Bernoulli’s Numbers in O(n log(n)) operations

Computer skills Basic Python, C#, R, SQL, PHP, HTML, Javascript, Android Intermediate Weka, C++, Matlab, Scilab, Maple, Eiffel, XML, LATEX, OpenOffice, Unix, Microsoft Windows Advanced Java, C

Languages Italian Mothertongue

English B2 Conversationally fluent French A1 Basic words and phrases only

Interests – Music – Guitar – Technology – Video Games – Books

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