Figura professionale: Engineer
Nome Cognome | : B. Y. | Età | : 32 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Engineering |
Sede preferita | : Milano, Roma, italia |
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Professional Experiences:
2016 : Car-contractor Dispach rider with Bicycle Stuart
2014-2015: Phone Operator Adviser at Ooredoo Algiers, Algeria
Data processing: C/C++, Java, Linux Webhost, Streamer, LabView, Pascal,
Simulation: Matlab/Simulink, Proteus Isis, ModelSim,
Mechanical Catia V6
Others: Treatment of the signal, Microcontroleur PIC16F., Mentor, Cortex,
Academic Expérience :
2016 : Programming under Linux: Creation of a waiter of transport between
customers, Paris
2016:Maintenance in Workshop of an automobile: prototype Nidaéco, Marseille
2015: Project of Bachelor Degree: Design of a trunk extremely automated
containing PIC16F877, Algiers
Traineeship :
2014 : Traineeship, Algeria: Data-processing Maintenance method
Hardware/Software lasted 2 months
Formation :
2016 – Master 1 Engineering of robotics and Intelligent System
University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris 6 , Paris , France
Java/C++ Programming, embarked System, Treatment of the signal of the
sound and the image, Vision for robotics and Sensor, Industrial data
2015-2016 Automation and Elecric engineer Bachelor
University of Aix Marseilles, Marseille , France
Converters, Petri Modeling, complex Systems design
2012-2015 Automation Bachelor
University of Sciences and the Technology of Electronic
Algiers, Algeria
Numerical, Digital, Mécatronique, Analyzes numerical, Electrotechnique
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